Our Mission


Sunday 9:45 am Sunday school 11:00 am worship 6:00 pm evening worship Wednesday 6:00 pm Bible study.


Colonial Baptist Church is dedicated to the glory of God through faith in the Person and work of His Son, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  We are resolved to know God biblically, to love and enjoy Him intimately, and to share the knowledge of His truth and love abundantly by the grace of the Holy Spirit.

Statement Of Purpose

With the conviction of the leading of the Lord, we, the people of Colonial Baptist Church, solemnly come to constitute ourselves into a missionary Baptist Church.  We see to affiliate with the Liberty Baptist Association, the Baptist State Convention of North Carolina, and the Southern Baptist Convention.  We do this because we accept without reservation the basic doctrines of our faith as set forth in The Baptist Faith And Message Statement.

In these bodies of Believers, we would take our place in worship and in the service of evangelism and developing Believers in spiritual growth in cooperation with our sister churches as we seek first the Kingdom of God in this world, thus to advance the cause of Christ our Savior and Lord throughout our community and around the world.  May God - The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit - give us grace for this task.